MATLAB: How to put a Matrix in the inputs of the neural network

inputmatrixneural network

Hello, i have a problem with the neural network. I have 10 variables of inputs and 3 outputs. I would like to know how can i put a matrix in the inputs. My inputs are 9 numbers and a matrix, and my outputs are 3 numbers. Thank you very much.

Best Answer

Typically N I-dimensional "I"nput vectors are paired with N O-dimensional "O"utput target vectors and stored in matrices with sizes
[ I N ] = size(input)
[ O N ] = size(target)
net = fitnet;
% Equivalent to net = fitnet(H) for H = 10 where H is the number of hidden nodes
[ net tr output error ] = train(net,input,target);
% where tr is the training record, output = net(input) and error = target-output;
See the documentation
help fitnet
doc fitnet
Hope this helps.
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