MATLAB: How to put a MATLAB figure in a presentation so that the slide background shows through


Let's make a figure:
set(gcf, 'color', 'w');
Doesn't that look nice. Now I'd like to place that figure in a slide of my presentation. I happen to be using Powerpoint, but I guess other people might be using a different package. Also, it's a flashy presentation and my slide background has some fancy graphics. I don't want the figure's frame (the white area in my example) to cover up the slide. Ideally I'd also like the background to show through the slightly transparent bits of the figure (in my example, the logo).
How can I achieve this?

Best Answer

export_fig by Oliver does this.

Excerpt from the help for export_fig:

For transparent background (and semi-transparent patch objects), set the figure (and axes) 'Color' property to 'none'; pdf, eps and png are the only file formats to support a transparent background, whilst the png format alone supports transparency of patch objects.

set(gcf, 'color', 'none');
export_fig perfect_solution.png

Maybe Oliver can enlighten us on how he did it.

EDIT: Here's is an example of the exported image over a fancy, textured background:

(Image Source:

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