MATLAB: How to put a function in another function


For instance, if there are two functions which are with respect to x: f(x) = x^2 and g(x) = 4*x, I want to make another function using them: h(x) = (f(x)+5*g(x))/(2*f(x)*g(x))
f = @(x) x^2;
g = @(x) 4*x;
h = @(x) (f+5*g)/(2*f*g);
doesn't work.
Is there any way to do this?

Best Answer

Yusuke - if x is the input parameter to your function h, then you must pass this into f and g as well. So instead of
h = @(x) (f+5*g)/(2*f*g);
you would write
h = @(x) (f(x)+5*g(x))/(2*f(x)*g(x));
Try the above and see what happens!