MATLAB: How to pull out indicies from a matrix

indexingMATLABmatrixmatrix array

I have a matrix which is essestially two vectors. It looks something like:
Row 1: 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2………
Row 2: 132.2, 132.7, 133.5………..
I want to pull out the indexes that correspond under all of the ones and twos into another vector. I've done something like:
A(A ==1) so it pulls out all of the 1s, but I want it to pull the values in the row underneath the 1 as well.

Best Answer

Let A be your 2*m matrix...
r1 = A(1,:) ;
r2 = A(2,:) ;
iwant = r2(r1==1)
iwant = r2(r1==2)
From matrix directly.
iwant = A(:,A(1,:)==1)
iwant = A(:,A(1,:)==2)