MATLAB: How to pull out elements of a matrix based on certain conditions

matrix array

I am trying to pull out values from columns 3 and 4 based on what is in column 2. The numbers I am interested in are the values WITH a '1' from column 2. Then I wish to put these values into a ?x1 matrix. I put the '?' there because the length of the matrix can vary with different file inputs, but the width will stay as 1.
This is what the output should look like.
Here is my attempt at coding this problem:
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This code partially works, but when it loops, the previous results get over written.
Where 'e' is the length of Matrix_One which in this example is 7. Where Matrix_One is the 7×4 matrix and Matrix_Two SHOULD be the 10×1 matrix.
How should I go about fixing my code?
Thanks! I look forward to reading some answers.

Best Answer

Where M is your matrix:



tmp = M(M(:,2)==1,3:4).'
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