MATLAB: How to pull edit box string from uicontrol


Hi all,
Having trouble getting the program to recognize the text entered by the user. It reads as empty because that is what is first called. Tried using callback, but it gets messy when the uicontrol needs to be defined in the callback value and the callback value needs to be defined in the uicontrol.
Here's what I have:
[~, ~, read] = xlsread('C:\Users\mpaulosk\Desktop\Folder\prelim_gui.xls','Sheet1');
paramtext = vertcat(read(2,1))
descriptext = vertcat(read(2,2))
descripedit = vertcat(read(3,2));
paramedit = vertcat(read(8,1));
paramtext = uicontrol('Style', 'text', 'String', descriptext,...
'Position', [100 350 100 40]);
test = uicontrol ('Style', 'text', 'String', descripedit,...
'Position', [100 295 100 40]);
paramedit = uicontrol('Style', 'edit', ...
'Position', [200 375 100 20]);
edittest = uicontrol('Style', 'edit', ...
'Position', [200 320 100 20], 'Callback','helppppppp')
I can explain further if not clear. Thanks!

Best Answer

edittest = uicontrol('Style', 'edit', ...
'Position', [200 320 100 20], 'Callback', @helppppppp);
function helppppppp(hObject, event)
current_string = get(hObject, 'String');
Now that you have it, what do you want to do with it?