MATLAB: How to provide illumination information when performing ”xyz2srgb” conversion with the MAKECFORM function

adaptationapplycformbradfordchromaticilluminationImage Processing Toolboxlinearmakecformvonkriesxyz2rgb

I have computed the XYZ values with 3 different illuminants, that is, by using the same reflectance spectrum but with 3 different illuminants: A, EE and D65. I obtain very different colors when I translate the values to the corresponding sRGB values. I expect the color to be more or less the same e.g. as with tungsten and day light illumination.

Best Answer

The XYZ to sRGB conversion in the Image Processing Toolbox is based on ICC color profiles. Such profiles assume D50 illumination. Therefore XYZ values should be adapted to D50 illumination before conversion. A VonKries or linear Bradford adaptation could be used but the Toolbox does not yet provide this functionality.
More information on Chromatic Adaptation can be found at the following URL: