MATLAB: How to properly use xlswrite


I have the code below in my function, however it doesn't write the data as I expected. instead of writing '2018-19 Auburn Women Basketball Home game as of 03/23/2019' all in cell A1 it puts each character in a different cell. This is happening with all of my string data.
lastGameDate = [stats(sRows, 1), stats(sRows, 2), stats(sRows, 3)];
xlsTitle = sprintf('2018-19 Auburn Women Basketball Home games as of %02.0f/%02.0f/%d',...
xlswrite(FILENAME, xlsTitle, OUTSPREADSHEET, 'A1')

Best Answer

xlswrite(FILENAME, {xlsTitle}, OUTSPREADSHEET, 'A1')
However if you are not using MS Windows or if you do not have Excel installed on MS Windows, then xlswrite cannot handle the task for you: without Excel on Windows, xlswrite is restricted to pure numeric values or to putting one character in each cell. If that situation applies to you then consider using writetable()