MATLAB: How to properly train the network MPL


Dear all,
I have this code:
P = [c{1,:}];
T = [c{2,:}];
net1 = newff(P,T,20);
net1.trainparam.epochs = 100;
net = train(net1,P,T);
P = s{1,7};
Y = sim(net1,P);
After running the code, nothing happens. Just Comand Window reports name of file. Why not start training network? Does anyone have any idea? How to make this network trains?

Best Answer

You seem to repeatedly make this same mistake:
net = train(net1,P,T);
Y = sim(net1,P);
Now: There are 2 nets: net1 and net
Question: which is trained and which is untrained?
PS: MLP(Multi-Layer-Perceptron), not MPL