MATLAB: How to properly set up the Transfer function

mathlabpolestransfer function

syms s
J1 = 0.0024;
C1 = 0.007;
K12 = 2.8;
a = 0;
z = 1;
b = 1;
p = 1;
Kc = .1;
Kh = ((16000)*(1/(2*pi))*(32));
Ka = (10/32768)*2*0.1*3;
Gn = (Kh*Ka)/J1
Gd = s^2 + (C1/J1)*s + K12/J1
Cn = Kc*(a*s+z)
Cd = (b*s+p);
% Cs = Cn/Cd;
num = [Cn * Gn]
dem1 = Cd*Gd
dem2 = Cn * Gn
dem = (dem1 + dem2)
% Tf = num/(dem1 + dem2)
sys = tf(num,dem)

Best Answer

The numerator and denominator coefficients of transfer function should be a row vector or a cell array of row vectors. In the above of code
num = [Cn * Gn]
>> 6835652755764317/10995116277760
>> 'sym'
You need to convert 'num' to a vector.
dem = (dem1 + dem2)
>> (s + 1)*(s^2 + (35*s)/12 + 3500/3) + 6835652755764317/10995116277760
>> 'sym'
Convert 'dem' to a vector of polynomial coefficients.
For example,
Specify the numerator and denominator coefficients ordered in descending powers of s, and create the transfer function model.
numerator = 1;
denominator = [2,3,4];
sys = tf(numerator,denominator)
sys =
2 s^2 + 3 s + 4
%Continuous-time transfer function.
For more information on tf function, refer to the documentation page