MATLAB: How to properly index a table using isnan? (R2020a)


I am writing multiple tables to an Excel spreadsheet, and do not want previously added tables to be overwritten. As such, I have created the following code. The variable R is a 14×11 table completely filled with NaN as my stated readtable range in Excel is currently empty. I have preceding code which uses manually specified filepaths to extract data from files and create the tables.
R = readtable('rangedata.xlsx',...
if isnan(R(1,1))
elseif isnan(R(1,4))
elseif isnan(R(1,7))
else, isnan(R(1,10))
When running the script, I encounter the error "Check for missing argument or incorrect argument data type in call to function 'isnan'." I have tried changing all my index formatting to the following format, where Var1 is the name of the first variable, but that has not worked either.
if isnan(R(1,{'Var1'}))

Best Answer

Either use dot notion or {} pair to access a table element.
Try R.Var1(1) for example.