MATLAB: How to programmatically change the Default Data Package for a Simulink signal/parameter from ‘Simulink’ to ‘mpt’


In prior versions of MATLAB I have used the command: 
set_param(0, 'DefaultDataPackage', 'mpt');
to set the default data package to 'mpt', as specified by our process. I noticed that command does not work in R2016a and the release notes indicate that it has been removed. They mention ways to set the package, but the methods do not appear to be sticky, i.e. I must set them every time a new MATLAB session is opened. Additional searches of the help documentation have been fruitless. 
What is the new way to programmatically set the default data package? 

Best Answer

Unfortunately, the "set_param(0, 'DefaultDataPackage', 'mpt')" command has been deprecated as of MATLAB R2016a. Henceforth, the default data package has to be manually set using Model Explorer as described here:
-> Data Management -> Functionality being removed or changed