MATLAB: How to profile a Matlab function within a compiled Simulink program

code-efficiencyMATLABperformance analysisprofileprofilersimulinkSimulink Performance Tools

Using the Simulink analysis tool Profiler Report does not include the Matlab function and its subfunctions. I want to profile all subfunctions and calls within the Matlab function. Simulink does not allow the standard Matlab profiler to be present within the Matlab function since the code is to be compiled. Any suggestions?
I could create a dummy program in Matlab that runs the Matlab code within the Matlab function, but I would prefer not to because it's pretty massive.

Best Answer

To profile execution time, tic and toc still work within matlab functions in simulink. Use disp('description here') to write a small description for each toc to know which component it relates to. Just remember that that the time is cumulative from each tic so add a new tic per section you'd like to evaluate or do the subtractions after.