MATLAB: How to produce number labelling and annotations as shown below


Hey guys, Question is obvious. I've tried googling this to no avail. Your help is appreciated.
My plots are similar to the one shown below. MATLAB's default colour labelling nor symbols isn't helpful when many of the plots are too close to each other.
Thanks Z

Best Answer

Here is an example of one approach.
figure('units','pix','pos',[624 474 672 504])
x = 0:.01:1;
plot(x,cos(x).*exp(-x)+sqrt(x),'-',x,cos(x).*exp(-x) + sqrt(x).*exp(-x/12),'.')
annotation('textarrow',[.4 .5],[.5 .6],'String','1')
annotation('textarrow',[.6 .5],[.8 .68],'String','2')