MATLAB: How to produce a matrix that averages the top 5 values, for a corresponding year


I would like to produce an average of the top 5 values (on the 5th column, blue) for the corresponding year. I have attached my initial data as an attachment. My difficulty is that the matrix has multiple columns, so how do I choose that column (circled in blue), to calculate averages?

Best Answer

Let A be your data of dimensions n*4. A has n number of rows and four columns. YOu can extract fourth column from A using.
flows = A(:,4) ; % This gives you fourth column
years = A(:,1) ; % This extracts the years from the data
% GEt mean of top five elements
iwant = mean(flows(1:5)) ;
If you have multiple years in the data, then you need to extract the respective year flows and get mean of top five values.
flows_1938 = flows(years==1938) ; % This gives flows of the year 1938
iwant_1938 = mean(flows(1:5)) ;