MATLAB: How to print unknown values


I am writing a code which asks the user for the length for a vector and then asks for the numbers they wish to input in the vector. For example if the user says its length is 3, it asks for 3 numbers that can be put inside the vector. I can display this normally as:
fprintf("Vector A is: [%.3f, %.3f, %.3f]\n", vectorA(1), vectorA(2), vectorA(3));
however, if the user enters another number I wont be able to print the values as required. Is there some type of code which can help with fixing this issue?
This is my code if it helps:
sizeofvectorA = input("How many numbers do you want to enter? ");
vectorA = [];
for i = 1:sizeofvectorA
vectorA(i) = input("Please enter a number for vector A: ");
fprintf("Vector A is: [%.3f, %.3f, %.3f]\n", vectorA(1), vectorA(2), vectorA(3));

Best Answer

vectorA = [2 3 5 7];
['Vector A is: [',sprintf('%6.3f', vectorA),']']
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