MATLAB: How to print entered string with restriction of 40 characters per line

dividing characterprint string

So my task is entering a string as a input value. Then, with the numel(string), get the number of characters and divide the entered string in to set of 40 characters per line. Which means whatever character that comes after 40th, 80th, 120th…. it goes down to the subsequent line.
x = input('Please enter your text = ','s');
y = numel(x);
z = y;
i = 0;
while z > 40
z = z - 40; % if y = 83
i = i + 1; % after this, i=2 and z=3
for w = 1:40:((40*(i-1))+1)
for k = 40:40:(40*i)
x((40*i) + 1:(40*i) + z)
This is what I currently have and it is not working. For characters which remained (not part of 40 character line) is set as 'z' after the while loop. Then set to print the remaining characters after the for loop. Please help…

Best Answer

S = input('Please enter your text = ','s');
parts = regexp(S, '.{1,40}', 'match');
fprintf('%s\n', parts{:});
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