MATLAB: How to print E formated numbers.

print to file

I have numbers such as 0.1032E-02 (say) If I read this as x = 0.1032E-02 and save it to a text file using fopen, and fprintf fid = fopen('Testing.txt','wt'); fprintf(fid, '%15.5E\n',x) it always prints x as 1.032E-03 but I would like the 0 in front just as the way I assigned the value to x. How do i do it?

Best Answer

Try this little utility anonymous function I wrote a while back to solve this exact problem:
a = 0.1032E-02
expstr = @(x) [x*10.^floor(-log10(abs(x))) floor(log10(abs(x))+1)];
Result = sprintf('%.7fE%+03d', expstr(a))
Result =
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