MATLAB: How to prevent zooming out past a specific extent in UIAxes

app designeruiaxes

How do I prevent user from zooming out past an extent in App Designer? In this example I do not want the user to be able to manually zoom out past [180 180] on xaxis or [-90 90] on yaxis. I attached a picture to illustrate.

Best Answer

To limit the user from zooming out past an extent, you can add a custom zoom button (of 'push' button type) to the UIAxes.
In the custom callback for the custom Zoom button, query the current X and Y axis limits for the UIAxes object. If ther X and/or Y limits after zooming out go beyond ehat is required, set the X and Y limits of the UIAxes to the limits you desire.
You can refer this documentation to learn more about adding a custom button to UIAxes.