MATLAB: How to prevent that the body of the report overlaps with the footer in the MATLAB Report Generator

MATLAB Report Generatoroverlap

When I create a report with a long footer, the body of my report overlaps with the footer in the MATLAB Report Generator

Best Answer

Three properties of the style sheet need to be set in order to control the space allocated for the footer in the report page:
1 - Region After Extent
2 - Body Margin Bottom
3 - Page Margin Bottom.
These three properties can be found under 'Pagination and General Styles' in the report stylesheet. Below is a description of these properties, as stated in the Report Explorer:
1. Region After Extent: the height of the area where the footers are printed. It is defaulted to 0.4 in.
2. Body Margin Bottom: the distance from the last line of the text in the page body to the bottom of the region-after. It should be greater then the region-after-extent to prevent overlap. The default value is 0.5 in.
3. Page Margin Bottom: the distance from the bottom of the region-after to the physical bottom of the page. By default, it is set to 0.5 in.
When the footer contains a long text, using the default values will likely produce overlapping of the body of the report and the footing. Therefore you might need to increase these values to allocate enough space for the footer text. For example, in a report with an eight-line footer, setting the three properties as follows resolves the issue:
Region After Extent: 0.75 in
Body Margin Bottom: 1.2 in
Page Margin Bottom: 0.5 in