MATLAB: How to prevent displaying the details field when creating a coverage report in Simulink Verification and Validation Toolbox 2.4 (R2008b)

Simulink Check

When creating a coverage report using Simulink Verification and Validation Toolbox, I always see the "Summary" and "Details" field. Is there an option to prevent the generation of the "Details" section? I only want to see the "Summary" in the report.

Best Answer

The ability to prevent the generation of the "Details" section in the coverage report with CVHTML is not available in Simulink Verification and Validation Toolbox 2.4 (R2008b).
As a workaround, modify the "cvhtml.m" file which is used to generate the report as follows:
1. Locate the file: "cvhtml.m" in the following folder:
; where "$MATLABROOT" is the installation folder of your MATLAB version. Then copy this file to the directory where the Simulink model is located.
  • Note that modifying the MATLAB file in its original directory will apply the changes globally while modifying it in the working directory applies it locally as long as it is not included in the MATLAB search path.
2. In MATLAB, navigate to where the "cvhtml.m" file was copied to and execute the following command in the MATLAB command window to edit the file:
edit cvhtml
3. Navigate to line 484 in the code which should contain the following text:
sections = {'Summary','Details'};
and replace this with the following:
sections = {'Summary'};
In other words, delete "Details" out of the cell array.
4. Save the file "cvhtml.m" and create the P-code by executing the following command:
pcode cvhtml
5. Rehash the toolbox cache by executing the following command in MATLAB:
rehash toolboxcache
These changes should result in a coverage report without the "Details" section when Simulink Verification and Validation is used while the current working directory contains the modified "cvhtml.p" file.