MATLAB: How to predict future data after training the ANN

annDeep Learning Toolboxpredictwaveswind

My name is Ali. I have trained my network with my input data (wind Speed) and output data (Wave Height) and got good results. Also, i have my future data (Wind Speed) obtained from GSM from 2080 to 2100, so eveything is ready to perdict wave heights from 2080 to 2100. Please take a look at the screen shot attached to see what the codes are. If someone can help me how i can do the final stage, I would really apperciate it.
Kind Regards Ali

Best Answer

%Just relying on default values:
x = annInput';
t = annTarget';
net = fitnet;
[net tr y e ] = train(net,x,t);
MSE = mse(e)
% Can obtain trn, val and tst subset indices from tr
% to obtain subsets of y and e and corresponding MSEtrn
% MSEval, MSEtst
% For arbitrary X
Y = net(X);
In general, use a search for the smallest successful H (for stability) and
corresponding set of random initial weights.
I use a double for loop approach over the outer loop H = Hmin:dH:Hmax and
inner loop i = 1:Ntrials over random number states to find initial weights that will
yield a sufficiently small value of MSE.
Zillions of examples have been posted on both NEWSGROUP and ANSWERS. Good search words are
Greg Hmin Hmax
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