MATLAB: How to predefine a table structure in order to fill it with data later on


I have some datasets, but all of them are irregular and have missing observations and are of different size, which is why I have to create an own dataset which should be filled later on.
There are i importing countries, j(=#i) exporting countries, k industries, and y years. The final dataset to be created should have ((i*j)-i)*k*y observations. How can I predefine a table with three identifying row-variables i, j, k, where i runs slower than j, and j slower than k? The years y should be column variables. Then, the dataset would have (i*j-i)*k rows in total.
For example: ReporterName=i PartnerName=j ProductName=k , xVariables=y. The y variables contain the actual information in this example, but I need them as empty cells at first.
Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

I got it, here the solution if someone is interested.
% Predefining the dataset
Countries={'AUS','AUT','BEL','BGR','BRA','CAN','CHN','CYP','CZE','DEU','DNK','ESP','EST','FIN','FRA','GBR','GRC','HUN','IDN','IND','IRL','ITA','JPN','KOR','LTU', 'LUX', 'LVA', 'MEX','MLT','NLD','POL','PRT','ROM','RUS','SVK','SVN','SWE','TUR','TWN','USA'}';
% the vector entries should be repeated 16*40 times
Afterwards, country to itself observations can be deleted via logical arrays....