MATLAB: How to populate a cell array

cell arraysdata insertion

I want to create an array with 10 rows and each row should contain a [5×2] matrix.
I also want to know
(a)inserting data into it
(b)accessing the data.
Can anyone help? TIA.

Best Answer

Which of your points is not covered by the documentation?
There are many ways of creating a cell array. Which one is most appropriate entirely depends what form the content comes in before it becomes a cell array
c = squeeze(num2cell(rand(5, 2, 10), [1 2])); %will create a 10x1 cell array of 5x2 matrices
c = arrayfun(@(~) rand(5,2), (1:10)', 'UniformOutput', false); %another way

c = mat2cell(rand(5*10, 2), ones(1,10)*5, 2); %another way
c = cell(10, 1); for idx = 1:10; c{idx} = rand(5,2); end; %and another way
%... and many more