MATLAB: How to polar plot in decibels

dbsMATLABmatlab coderplotpolar plot

I have the following results in dBs, I need to make a polar graph with these values, but I can not find the correct way to graph them. I hope you can help me, this is the code I have:
corte0=[ -7.838577 -7.832224 -7.813205 -7.781625 -7.737674 -7.681614 -7.613759 -7.534502 -7.44429 -7.343629 -7.233057 -7.113168 -6.984587 -6.847963 -6.703968 -6.553286 -6.396613 -6.234628 -6.068019 -5.897437 -5.723536 -5.54693 -5.368196 -5.187878 -5.006474 -4.824449 -4.642216 -4.460145 -4.278563 -4.097766 -3.918009 -3.739528 -3.562553 -3.387297 -3.214005 -3.042917 -2.874333 -2.708591 -2.546094 -2.387311 -2.232779...
-2.083104 -1.938968 -1.801116 -1.670343 -1.547495 -1.43342 -1.328996 -1.235081 -1.152506 -1.082048 -1.024429 -0.980308 -0.950234 -0.934665 -0.933967 -0.948368 -0.978023 -1.022938 -1.083016 -1.158051 -1.247738 -1.351648 -1.469277 -1.600019 -1.743196 -1.898051 -2.06376 -2.239445 -2.424194 -2.617045 -2.816997 -3.023051 -3.234174 -3.449336 -3.667496 -3.887619 -4.108674 -4.329646 -4.549521 -4.767314 -4.982032 -5.192729...
-5.398455 -5.598276 -5.791293 -5.976641 -6.15345 -6.320908 -6.478218 -6.624628 -6.759425 -6.881949 -6.991595 -7.0878 -7.170061 -7.237973 -7.291164 -7.329369 -7.352368 -7.360037];
corte90= [-21.7136 -21.422581 -20.646576 -19.587852 -18.420361 -17.246315 -16.113091 -15.037758 -14.023014 -13.065556 -12.159986 -11.300657 -10.482368 -9.700682 -8.951984 -8.233437 -7.54299 -6.879227 -6.241355 -5.629077 -5.042615 -4.482525 -3.949742 -3.4454 -2.970901 -2.527738 -2.117475 -1.741663 -1.401798 -1.09923 -0.835085 -0.61021 -0.425063 -0.279627 -0.173322 -0.104944 -0.072548 -0.073378 -0.10389 -0.159741...
-0.235912 -0.326925 -0.427152 -0.531135 -0.634019 -0.731884 -0.821932 -0.902473 -0.972771 -1.032644 -1.082048 -1.120685 -1.147753 -1.161962 -1.161733 -1.145631 -1.112919 -1.064068 -1.001096 -0.927695 -0.849008 -0.771236 -0.701124 -0.645415 -0.61041 -0.601672 -0.623827 -0.680485 -0.774288 -0.906942 -1.07932 -1.291582 -1.543242 -1.833276 -2.160211 -2.522179 -2.916971 -3.342113 -3.794876 -4.27235 -4.771453 -5.288964...
-5.821557 -6.365805 -6.918194 -7.475142 -8.032939 -8.58776 -9.135592 -9.672182 -10.192956 -10.692926 -11.166648 -11.608166 -12.011011 -12.368385 -12.673313 -12.919049 -13.099545 -13.209938 -13.247106];
hold on;
The objective is to have a graph like this, with the labels in dBs.

Best Answer

If you have a recent version of Matlab (R2016a or later), you can use polaraxes/polarplot to get much more flexibility in setting up your axis:
polaraxes('RLim', [-22 0], ...
'thetadir', 'clockwise', ...
'thetazerolocation', 'top');
hold on;
polarplot(teta, [corte0; corte90]);
If you're running an older version of Matlab, the mmpolar function (available on the File Exchange) offers very similar functionality:
mmpolar(teta, [corte0; corte90], ...
'RLimit', [-22 0], ...
'TDirection', 'cw', ...
'TZeroDirection', 'North');
Both functions allow you to customize many properties of the polar axis, including R- and Theta-limits, angle direction and units, colors, labels, etc. Polaraxes are a little more robust, in that they create modifiable handle objects, but are still pretty limited in what can be plotted (no support of patch objects, for example), so I keep both these functions in my arsenal for now.