MATLAB: How to plots the graphs with multiple y axes with one common x-axis

multiples y-axes plots

There i attached a plot. In this plot, with a common x-axis graphs had been plotted with repeatative data. Everytime for a new set data, y-axis is shifted by some fixed distance. This diagram is taken from a research paper (A.A. Ampadu-Mintah and M.F. Tachie, 2015). Please help me how to write a matlab code for these types of plots.
Thank You.

Best Answer

Two y-axes
The graphs are seen as U/Ue vs y with different x values
See the following example, you might get some hints
x=[1 3 5];
for i=1:length(x)
hold on;
To set the axes limit, use xlim and ylim
Good Luck!
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