MATLAB: How to plot three variables against each other

3d plottingplotting

I have a list of lightning flahses, each flash has a latitude, longitude, and a power. All three of these are lists, not matrices.
I would like to plot a 3D plot, where x is longitude, y is latitude, and each dot is color coded to represent its power at the latitude and longitudinal locations.
How do I do this using three lists? The 3d plotting functions, like imagesc, require a matrix as the third value.

Best Answer

Try this:
lat = rand(10,1); % Create Vector

lon = rand(10,1); % Create Vector
power = randi(9,10,1); % Create Vector
scatter3(lat(:), lon(:), power(:), [], power(:), 'filled')
grid on
This will colour them by the ’Z’ (’power’) value. The fourth argument [] is the size reference, and since you may want them all the same size, that argument is the empty array.
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