MATLAB: How to plot this simple function in matlab

complex plot

I have a function f(x) = +i x>0;
= 1 x=0;
= -i x<0 ;
I am confused because of the existence of the complex number. Suppose I want to take the fourier transform of this function. I do y=fft(f(x)); plot(x,real(y)); Is this right?

Best Answer

Did you simply want to plot that complex-valued function of a real variable, f(x), you can do that with stem3
x= -50:50;
y = zeros(size(x));
y(x<0) = -1i;
y(x>0) = 1i;
y(x==0) = 1;
xlabel('x'); ylabel('Re(f(x))'); zlabel('Imag(f(x))');