MATLAB: How to plot the two dimensional transmitter antenna pattern

2dantennapatternplotRF Toolboxtransmitter

Is there a way to plot the two-dimensional transmitter antenna pattern vice the colorized 3D plots obtained when one uses the command "pattern(tx,100e6)" for example. Is there a way to place a pointer on a specific spot on the pattern and read the antenna gain. In effect, I want to take a "slice" on the 3D antenna pattern plots.

Best Answer

There are several ways of creating a 2D pattern.
 1. Using the pattern function on an element from the Antenna Toolbox catalog. Look at the following example in our documentation page.
 2. Using the patternAzimuth or patternElevation functions on an element from the Antenna Toolbox catalog
 3. Using 'patternCustom' on imported data
Look at the section titled, 'Visualize 2D radiation pattern of helix directivity
4. Using 'polarpattern'
All the plots that are generated from these functions are interactive, meaning you can put markers on the traces and read out the directivity/gain values. Using the right-click inside or outside the axes also allows more control. The polar plot capability for the functions (1-3) is based on (4). Also, this example should be helpful
More information on pattern