MATLAB: How to plot the surface plot and surface plot based on the equation and conditions below


I am plotting a temperature distribution
Conditions stated are 10 < a < 20 and 5 < b < 10.
The output needs me to display surface plot and contour plots.

Best Answer

a = 15;
b = 7.5;
k = 4*100/pi; % Define constants.
X = linspace(-5,5,101);
[x,y] = meshgrid(X,X); % x and y range.
n = 1:2:199;
for p = 1:length(n)
u(:,:,p) = (sin(n(p)*pi*x/a).*sinh(n(p)*pi*y/a))./(n(p)*sinh(n(p)*pi*b/a)); % Distribution over all values of n.
u = k.*sum(u,3);
surf(x,y,u) % Surface plot.
contour(x,y,u) % Contour plot.
This produces the surface plot and contour plot you might be looking for. I have choosen an arbitrary range for x and y, and made sure a and b satisfy the conditions you specified.