MATLAB: How to plot the Logic Analyzer window into a png by using the matlab print function

logic analyzerMATLABprintscope

I use the Logic Analyzer by using the scope function. Now I want to plot this window into a png file, but get
>> print('C:\temp\logic.png', '-dpng')
Error using validateHandleToPrint
No figure to print.
Error in validate (line 17)
pj = validateHandleToPrint(pj);
Error in print (line 81)
pj = validate( pj );
Tested using matlab R2016b. There is also no print function in the UI directly.
Thanks, Thomas Nirmaier

Best Answer

Hi Thomas,
The dsp.LogicAnalyzer is not a regular figure window so you cannot call print on the window. As of now there is no documented method to print the window unfortunately. As a workaround you may take a snap-shot of the window (using regular Windows applications like Snipping Tool.
Hope this helps and apologies for this dealyed response.
Ashok Charry
Engineer, MathWorks.