MATLAB: How to plot the column-wise frequency of different elements for an mxn array

3dfrequency of elements

Hello, I have an mxn array of numbers (integers or decimal numbers). I can use hist function separately for each column to find out frequency of each elements, for example: hist on each column gives output like 10 1's, 15 2's 25 7's in column 1; 25 2's, 25 3's in column 2; etc. Now I want to plot the histograms in a 3D plot, so that x axis = m, y axis = n, z axis = frequency of each element.
It seems very plain and simple, but somehow I am really struggling with this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.

Best Answer

I would use histc (or histcounts) and plot the results with bar3:
M = randi(3, 15, 6); % Create Data
binrng = 0:4; % Set Bin Ranges
counts = histc(M, binrng); % Histogram Counts
bar3(binrng, counts) % Plot