MATLAB: How to plot the average plot out of three plots


Hello everyone, i have extracted the data from the excel to plot the graphs .Now , i want to plot the average plot in the same graph .i have three plots in the same graph which each of the three has different 1 column but different rows.i would be grateful if anyone could help me to get the idea of how to plot that graph.Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

You should decide the x-axis same for all the data and make y-values NaN for out of odmain/ extrapolation range and use mean/ nanmean.
  1. Check the dimensions of each data.
  2. Fix the common x-axis data to get the all the data to this x-axes. I would pick the data1, as it covers the more range of x-axes when compared to other data.
  3. Get the data2, data3 to the x-axes domain of data1.
  4. Use interp1 to get the data2, data3 to the x-axes range of data1. The extrapolation points should be set to NaN.
  5. Use nanmean or mean nan flags to get the avarage of data1, data2 and data3.