MATLAB: How to plot test and validation accuracy every epoch using Computer vision system toolbox? And what about overfitting

classificationcnncomputer visionComputer Vision ToolboxDeep Learning ToolboxImage Processing Toolboxneural networksoverfittingplottingstatisticsStatistics and Machine Learning Toolboxvalidarion errorvalidation

I am finding many blogs of CNN and its related classification strategy in Matlab but I couldn't find how I could actually plot the validation set accuracy for every epoch along with the training set accuracy.
above documentation shows that I could plot training accuracy every epoch but not the validation set accuracy.
If that is not possible how to make sure that my network is not overfitting?

Best Answer

Hi Jay,
There is no option to display the validation set accuracy. However this should not be necessary. Functions in the Neural Network Toolbox employ a technique called Early Stopping, which takes the validation set error into consideration to prevent overfitting. The article I am linking to provides some nice discussions on overfitting, I would recommend you to read the other parts as well.