MATLAB: How to plot specific row to specific row

matrix plot

I have two matrices, frequency and phase, each row indicate one measurement. I need to plot frequency vs phase for each measurement. However, my lines below plots 1-by-n plots for each frequency row. i=1:n; plot(f(i,:),phase(i,:));
I know I can just write something like plot(f(1,:),phase(1,:),f(2,:),phase(2,:),f(3,:),phase(3,:)….). But I have hundreds of measurements.
Could anyone please show me how to plot specific row to specific row?
Thank you very much

Best Answer

Just transpose it:
>> f=[1:10;11:20;21:30];
>> phase=1./f;
>> figure, plot(f',phase')
If the parameters for the plot functions are matrices, each column will be one line.