MATLAB: How to plot point in GUI – beginner matlab

gui problem

i have 3 variable to plot point in axes. 1st variable is Latitude for X, 2nd variable is Longitude for Y and 3rd variable is Safe Point for Z when the value is 1 will display green point and value is 0 display red point.
this my coding to load data from uitable5 where column 1 is for X, column 2 is for Y and column 3 is for Z;
table=get(handles.uitable5,'Data'); X=table(:,1); Y=table(:,2); Z=table(:,3);
how i can plot points with my data?

Best Answer

pointsize = 20;
scatter(X, Y, pointsize, Z);
colormap([1 0 0; 0 1 0]); %red, green