MATLAB: How to plot Parke Error Grid Analysis

error grid analysisnoninvasive glucose measurementparkes error grid analysis

Down below is the code for Parkes Error Grid Analysis. But when i am running it for data analysis, the scatter plots in C to E zones are not displayed in the graph.
Suggest the solution.
The code is as follows:
function [total, percentage] = parkes(y,yp)
% PARKES Performs Parkes Error Grid Analysis

% The Clarke error grid approach is used to assess the clinical
% significance of differences between the glucose measurement technique
% under test and the venous blood glucose reference measurements. The
% method uses a Cartesian diagram, in which the values predicted by the
% technique under test are displayed on the y-axis, whereas the values
% received from the reference method are displayed on the x-axis. The
% diagonal represents the perfect agreement between the two, whereas the
% points below and above the line indicate, respectively, overestimation
% and underestimation of the actual values. Zone A (acceptable) represents
% the glucose values that deviate from the reference values by 20% or are
% in the hypoglycemic range (<70 mg/dl), when the reference is also within
% the hypoglycemic range. The values within this range are clinically exact
% and are thus characterized by correct clinical treatment. Zone B (benign
% errors) is located above and below zone A; this zone represents those
% values that deviate from the reference values, which are incremented by
% 20%. The values that fall within zones A and B are clinically acceptable,
% whereas the values included in areas C-E are potentially dangerous, and
% there is a possibility of making clinically significant mistakes. [1-4]
% Parkes error grid approach is a different approach in the same line of
% Clarke error grid

% [total, percentage] = parkes(y,yp)
% y Reference values (mg/dl)
% yp Predicted/estimtated values (mg/dl)
% total Total points per zone:
% total(1) = zone A,
% total(2) = zone B, and so on
% percentage Percentage of data which fell in certain region:
% percentage(1) = zone A,
% percentage(2) = zone B, and so on.
% EXAMPLE: load example_data.mat
% [tot, per] = clarke(y,yp)
% References:
% [1] A. Maran et al. "Continuous Subcutaneous Glucose Monitoring in Diabetic
% Patients" Diabetes Care, Volume 25, Number 2, February 2002
% [2] B.P. Kovatchev et al. "Evaluating the Accuracy of Continuous Glucose-
% Monitoring Sensors" Diabetes Care, Volume 27, Number 8, August 2004
% [3] E. Guevara and F. J. Gonzalez, Prediction of Glucose Concentration by
% Impedance Phase Measurements, in MEDICAL PHYSICS: Tenth Mexican
% Symposium on Medical Physics, Mexico City (Mexico), 2008, vol. 1032, pp.
% 259261.
% [4] E. Guevara and F. J. Gonzalez, Joint optical-electrical technique for
% noninvasive glucose monitoring, REVISTA MEXICANA DE FISICA, vol. 56,
% no. 5, pp. 430434, Sep. 2010.
% [5] JL Parkes, SL Slatin, S Pardo, BH Ginsberg - Diabetes Care, 2000
% A new consensus error grid to evaluate the clinical significance of
% inaccuracies in the measurement of blood glucose. Diabetes Care
% 23(8):1143–1148., 2000
% [6] J. Ignacio Hidalgo, J. Manuel Colmenar, Jose L. Risco-Martín,
% Esther Maqueda, Marta Botella, Jose Antonio Rubio, Alfredo Cuesta
% Oscar Garnica, and Juan Lanchares. 2014.
% Clarke and parkes error grid analysis of diabetic glucose models
% obtained with evolutionary computation. In Proceedings of the 2014
% conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation companion
% (GECCO Comp '14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1305-1312..
%[7] A. Pfutzner, D.C Klonoff, P Scott, J.L Parkes, “Technical Aspects of the %Parkes Error Grid”, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, vol.7(5), pp.1275-%1281, 2013.
% Edgar Guevara Codina
% File Version 1.2
% March 29 2013
% Ignacio Hidalgo, Parkes version
% September 15 2014
%Adaptive and Bioinspired Systems Group
%Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
% Ver. 1.2 Statistics verified, fixed some errors in the display; thanks to Tim
% Ruchti from Hospira Inc. for the corrections
% Ver. 1.1 corrected upper B-C boundary, lower B-C boundary slope ok; thanks to
% Steven Keith from BD Technologies for the corrections!
% MATLAB ver. (R2010a)
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Error checking
if nargin == 0
error('parkes:Inputs','There are no inputs.')
if length(yp) ~= length(y)
error('parkes:Inputs','Vectors y and yp must be the same length.')
if (max(y) > 550) || (max(yp) > 550) || (min(y) < 0) || (min(yp) < 0)
error('parkes:Inputs','Vectors y and yp are not in the physiological range of
glucose (<400mg/dl).')
% -------------------------- Print figure flag ---------------------------------
% ------------------------- Determine data length ------------------------------
n = length(y);
% ------------------------- Plot Parker's Error Grid ---------------------------
h = figure;
xlabel('Reference Concentration [mg/dl]');
ylabel ('Predicted Concentration [mg/dl]');
title('Parker''s Error Grid Analysis');
set(gca,'XLim',[0 550]);
set(gca,'YLim',[0 550]);
axis square
hold on
plot([0 550],[0 550],'k:') % Theoretical 45 regression line line 4
%plot([0 37 50],[150 152 550],'k-') % line 8 ok
%plot([0 25 50 250/3 120],[100 100 125 215 550],'k-') % line 7 ok
%plot([0 30 50 70 250],[58 58 75 112 550],'k-') % line 6
%plot([0 30 50 140 275 415],[50 50 67.5 165 350+100/3 550],'k-') % line 5
%plot([50 50 200 350+100/3 550],[0 35 150 300 450],'k-') % line 3
%plot([120 120 260 550],[0 35 140 225],'k-') % line 2
%plot([250 250 550],[0 50 150],'k-') % line 1
plot([50 50 170 385 550],[0 30 145 300 450],'k-')
plot([0 30 140 280 430],[50 50 170 380 550],'k-')
plot([120 120 260 550],[0 30 130 250],'k-')
plot([0 30 50 70 260],[60 60 80 110 550],'k-')
plot([250 250 550],[0 40 150],'k-')
plot([0 25 50 80 125],[100 100 125 215 550],'k-')
plot([0 35 50],[150 155 550],'k-')
set(h, 'color', 'white'); % sets the color to white
% Specify window units
set(h, 'units', 'inches')
% Change figure and paper size (Fixed to 3x3 in)
set(h, 'Position', [0.1 0.1 3 3])
set(h, 'PaperPosition', [0.1 0.1 3 3])
% Saves plot as a Enhanced MetaFile
% Saves plot as PNG at 300 dpi
print(h, '-dpng', 'Parker_EGA', '-r300');
total = zeros(5,1); % Initializes output
% ------------------------------- Statistics -----------------------------------
for i=1:n,
if (yp(i) <= 70 && y(i) <= 70) || (yp(i) <= 1.2*y(i) && yp(i) >= 0.8*y(i))
total(1) = total(1) + 1; % Zone A
if ( (y(i) >= 180) && (yp(i) <= 70) ) || ( (y(i) <= 70) && yp(i) >= 180 )
total(5) = total(5) + 1; % Zone E
if ((y(i) >= 70 && y(i) <= 290) && (yp(i) >= y(i) + 110) ) || ((y(i) >=
130 && y(i) <= 180)&& (yp(i) <= (7/5)*y(i) - 182))
total(3) = total(3) + 1; % Zone C
if ((y(i) >= 240) && ((yp(i) >= 70) && (yp(i) <= 180))) || (y(i) <=
175/3 && (yp(i) <= 180) && (yp(i) >= 70)) || ((y(i) >= 175/3 && y(i) <= 70) &&
(yp(i) >= (6/5)*y(i)))
total(4) = total(4) + 1;% Zone D
total(2) = total(2) + 1;% Zone B
end % End of 4th if
end % End of 3rd if
end % End of 2nd if
end % End of 1st if
end % End of for loop
percentage = (total./n)*100;
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Best Answer

Probably a little late for your application, but I put this up on the File Exchange - hope its useful for somebody: