MATLAB: How to plot ode 45 for different values of a constant after specific time


I want to change the value of del after given time interval.
T = 1:1:3500;
del = 0; % For T=1:1:3100
del = 1; % For T=3100:1:3500
[t,y] = ode45(@f_1,T,C);
This is the only line of the function which contains del.
dy(4,1)=(y(1)*k(1))/V(4) - (y(4)*(k(1) + k(2) + k(3) + del*k_clear))/V(4) + (y(2)*k(2))/V(4) + (y(3)*k(3))/V(4);
I want to plot this graph
But was able to construct this.

Best Answer

function main
T = 1:1:3100;
del = 0.0;
[t1,y1] = ode45(@(t,y)f_1(t,y,del),T,C);
T = 3100:1:3500;
del = 1.0;
C = y1(end,:);
[t2,y2] = ode45(@(t,y)f_1(t,y,del),T,C);
t = [t1;t2];
y = [y1;y2];
function dy = f_1(t,y,del)