MATLAB: How to plot multiple 2D time series detached in a 3D plot in MATLAB 7.14 (R2012a)


I want to plot multiple 2D time series in a detached layout in a 3D plot. I know there's a 'detached' style when creating bar plots with BAR3 however I want to achieve a similar layout with a normal plot. PLOT3 does not provide a 'style' option.

Best Answer

In order to plot 2D timeseries in a detached style in a 3D plot you can plot in the x-z-plane setting y as a vector containing constant values. So the resulting x-z curves will be detached in y-direction:
% matrix containing the time information 1:5 for each column
% matrix containing the constant y offset per column
% data matrix containing the data series as columns
% plot the data
grid on
ylabel('data series')
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