MATLAB: How to plot lines with different width in the same figure


Hello, i want to know if there is any way to plot various lines in the same figure with different width:
I have this simple code to serve as a example:
x1=[0 0];
y1=[0 3];
x2=[0 4];
y2=[3 3];
x3=[4 4];
y3=[3 0];
axis([-1 5 -1 4]);
Is there a way that the blue line formed by x1,y1 to have a different thickness than the red line created by x2,y2 and so on?
Thanks for any help

Best Answer

Yes, it's possible! I'd plot them individually and remember to set hold on so it won't delete the previous plot with each call of plot:
x1=[0 0];
y1=[0 3];
x2=[0 4];
y2=[3 3];
x3=[4 4];
y3=[3 0];
hold on
axis([-1 5 -1 4]);