MATLAB: How to plot individual points on an existing graph


%Define Values
d = [ 0.25, 0.5 , 1 , 1.5 , 2 ];
m = 1;
k = 1;
omeganought = 1;
omega = linspace (0, 2);
%Creating a graph for all damping values
for k1 = 1:length(d)
FA(k1,:) = 1 ./ sqrt ( power(m,2)*power((power(omeganought,2)-power(omega,2)),2) + power(d(k1),2)*power(omega,2));
%Plotting points (omega_d, M(omega_d))
%plot graph
plot (omega, FA)
xlabel ('Frequency');
ylabel ('Frequency response');
Title ('Frequency response curve')
So, My question is asking me to plot the points (omega_d, M(omega_d)). These points represent the maximum gain for each damping factor 'd'. I think it just wants me to put points on the Max of each curve and I'm not sure how to do so. Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

Only three have definable peaks.
That said, this works:
%Define Values
d = [ 0.25, 0.5 , 1 , 1.5 , 2 ];
m = 1;
k = 1;
omeganought = 1;
omega = linspace (0, 2);
for k1 = 1:length(d)
FA(k1,:) = 1 ./ sqrt ( power(m,2)*power((power(omeganought,2)-power(omega,2)),2) + power(d(k1),2)*power(omega,2));
[Peak{k1},Omga{k1}] = findpeaks(FA(k1,:), omega);
%plot graph
plot (omega, FA)
hold on
plot([Omga{:}], [Peak{:}], '^r', 'MarkerFaceColor','r')
hold off
I am not certain how you want to handle the last two.