MATLAB: How to plot grid-position like figure in Matlab

position function

Hello Everyone, I want to plot/make a structure like this in Matlab. Can anyone help me with this ? P.S. I am very new to Matlab as well. Thank you.

Best Answer

This works for the figure on the left:
xy = [1:14]*200;
[X, Y] = meshgrid(xy);
xyo = xy([4 11]);
plot(X, Y, '.k')
hold on
plot(X(:,[4 11]), Y(:,[4 11]), 'ok')
plot(X([4 11],:), Y([4 11],:), 'ok')
plot(X([4 11],[4 11]), Y([4 11],[4 11]), 'sr')
hold off
axis square
This will get you started. Make the necessary changes to get the one on the right. See the documentation for the legend function to get the legend textbox.
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