MATLAB: How to Plot Grid on a Scatter Plot


I want to add grids on that plot below. The grids should joints the points . Like similar to the mesh command.( )
How can I add the grids onto that plot that you created? Is it possible?
This is continuation of my previous question before here:(
For the plot the MATLAB command is:
[x,y,z] = sphere;
x = x(11:end,:);
y = y(11:end,:);
z = z(11:end,:);
r = 1;
scatter3(r.*x(:),r.*y(:),r.*z(:), 0.001+z(:)*100, 'o', 'filled'); %# Plot the surface
axis equal;

Best Answer

Depending on the result you want, here are some options to experiment with:
[x,y,z] = sphere; %# Makes a 21-by-21 point sphere
x = x(11:end,:); %# Keep top 11 x points
y = y(11:end,:); %# Keep top 11 y points
z = z(11:end,:); %# Keep top 11 z points
r = 1; %# A radius value
scatter3(r.*x(:),r.*y(:),r.*z(:), 0.001+z(:)*100, 'o', 'filled'); %# Plot the surface

hold on
mesh(x,y,z, 'EdgeColor','k', 'LineStyle','-')
hold off
axis equal; %# Make the scaling on the x, y, and z axes equal

mesh(x,y,z, 'EdgeColor','k', 'LineStyle',':', 'FaceAlpha',0.1)
hold on
scatter3(r.*x(:),r.*y(:),r.*z(:), 0.001+z(:)*100, 'o', 'filled'); %# Plot the surface
hold off
axis equal; %# Make the scaling on the x, y, and z axes equal