MATLAB: How to plot different matrices in a cell with different marker styles

cellcell arrayformat graphgraphslinespecMATLABplotting

Hi! I currently have a 15×1 cell with a matrix inside each cell value. This matrix consists of two columns, time and pressure values. I've been plotting this cell on the same figure using cellfun:
figure(), hold on
>> cellfun(@(x) plot(x(:,1), x(:,2)), PressureCell_1)
This produces a plot that I have attached, called Layer_pressure_full_hPa.jpg
Instead of each plot being a different colour, i was hoping for each plot to have a different marker style with a more monochromatic colour scheme. Is there a way to make a unique linespec for each plot, save it and then apply it to other cell plots? I have to repeat this process with multiple other cells with different values so was hoping there was a way to do this without individually changing the format of each plot.
Ive also attached my pressure cell with values.
Any help would be great, plots have always been so confusing on Matlab. Thanks !

Best Answer

S = {'-*r', '-ok','-dr','-.b'} ;
for i = 1:4
C{i} = rand(10,1) ;
% plot
hold on
for i = 1:4