MATLAB: How to plot colored temperature distribution on a rectangular plate


I have the data for temperature at every point and I want continuous colored plot corresponding to each temperature. Say, red for 100 degC and blue for 0 degC.

Best Answer

Let's suppose "plate" is the temperature distribution.
[M,N] = size(plate);
%Pay attention:
% M --> raws N --> coloumns
%BUT for meshgrid you must introduce (x,y) coordinates, so:
% M --> y N--> x
[x,y] = meshgrid(1:N,1:M);
If plate would exceed [0-100] bounds, you could use a support variable:
plate_2 = plate;
plate_2(plate_2>100) = 100;
plate_2(plate_2<0) = 0;
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