MATLAB: How to plot binary sine function

matlab function

binary sine function change its amplitude to minus after a peirod
for example) T=3, Range 0~6
y=sin(t/3) for 0<=t<3
y=-sin(t/3) for 3<=t<6
it reculsively occurs for whole range
6~9, 15~18, ….
9~12, 18~21, ….
how to plot this graph?

Best Answer

How about modulating a phase with 0 <-> pi ?
The following is an example:
T = 3;
time = linspace(0,T*4,1000);
% Create a phase 0 <-> pi
binary = mod(floor(time/3),2) == 1;
phi = pi*binary;
% Plot a phase modulated signal
plot(time,sin(2*pi*(1/T)*time + phi))