MATLAB: How to plot binary input


my data matrix has 19 rows and 396 columns.
row 1=[0 1 0 1......]
row 2=[1 0 1 1 1 0...]
row 19=[0 1 0 1 0 0..]
how should I code this using plot function in Matlab ? given below:
X axis= X++;
Y axis= Y++;
/*graph will show increment by 1 */
X axis = X++;
Y axis = Y--;
/* graph will show decrements by 1*/
for example: row 1=[0 0 1…] row 2=[1 0 1…] take row 1 first bit is 0 so point must plot on (1,1) next bit is 0 so point must plot on (2,2) next bit is 1 so plot on(3,1) and so on take row 2 first bit is 1 so plot on (1,-1) next bit is 0 so plot on (2,0) and so on basically 0 show increment by 1 and 1 shows decrements by 1 … by plotting this type of graph …it become easy for me to analyse similar pattern of bit strings …and those bit strings shows similar pattern will be on one cluster..remember X axis is columns and Y axis is rows ..

Best Answer

bitstrings = [0 0 1 1 0 0 0;
0 1 0 1 0 0 1;
1 0 1 1 1 0 0;
0 1 0 1 0 0 0;] %for example
You need to transform your [0 1] in offsets [+1 -1], which is simply achieve by 1-2*bitstrings. cumsum that and you've got your y coordinates. simply plot that matrix and matlab will use 1:... for x exactly as you want. By default plot plots by columns, so transpose the matrix beforehand: