MATLAB: How to plot an equation at a certain variable value


%Setting up Variables%
Vmax=5; %Given%
K =20; %Given%
S=0:1:100; %Range of values from 0 to 100 at increments of 1%
v=(Vmax*S.^h)./(K.^h+S.^h); %Hill Equation with known variables plugged in%
plot(S,v(1)); %Plotting Hill Equation with h=1
hold on %Allowing multiple graphs to be shown%
plot(S,v(2)); %Plotting Hill Equation with h=2%
hold on %Allowing multiple graphs to be shown%
plot(s,v(10)); %Plotting Hill Equation with h=10
hold on %Allowing multiple graphs to be shown%
How would you go about plotting different h values (ie 1,2,10) and having them all on one plot? Im having trouble substituting in the h values.

Best Answer

One approach:
Vmax=5; %Given%

K =20; %Given%
S=0:1:100; %Range of values from 0 to 100 at increments of 1%
h = [1 2 10];
for k = 1:numel(h)
v(k,:) = (Vmax*S.^h(k))./(K.^h(k)+S.^h(k)); %Hill Equation with known variables plugged in%
plot(S,v); %Plotting Hill Equation with h=1
lgnd = sprintfc('h = %3d', h); % Undocumented,‘compose’ Will Also Work Here
A different approach (without the explicit loop) would use ndgrid or meshgrid from ‘S’ and ‘h’ and create an anonymous function from ‘v’ to calculate the resulting matrix.