MATLAB: How to plot amplitude of phasor from complex number

complex numbersMATLABphasorsplot

Hello, I am looking to plot the maximum amplitude of a voltage phasor given by:
where V = 10 V, R = 4.7 kΩ, and C = 22 nF, over a range 0 < ω ≤ 100 Mrad/s.
The plot needs to be done with log 10 scale for both the ω and Vc axes.
I have the folowing code, but can't seem to get it figured out.
x = [ -4 : 0.1 : 8];
w = 10 .^ x;
Vc(w) = -(10/(w * 4700 * (22e-9))) - 10i;
plot(w, Vc(w));
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

semilogx(10*log10(w), abs(Vc(w)));
use abs if you want resultant of real and complex values
semilogx(10*log10(w), real(Vc(w)));
if you want only real values