MATLAB: How to plot a temperature colored map

MATLABtemperature map

Hi everybody,
I have a matrix A=[x,y,temperature] with a lot of rows in each column. I would like to have a continuous colormap (preferably with the equipotential) of the temperature assign to each points. I am able to have the scatter with color, but it's difficult to see the evolution in space (see picture below). I have tried with surf, with contourf, but nothing seems to work (at least when I try with the other example I saw).

Best Answer

x = A(:,1) ;
y = A(:,2) ;
z = A(:,3) ;
nx = length(unique(x)) ;
ny = length(unique(y)) ;
X = reshape(x,nx,ny) ;
Y = reshape(y,nx,ny) ;
Z = reshape(z,nx,ny) ;
pcolor(X,Y,Z) ;